British International School, Gambia

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Our Curriculum

We follow the Cambridge International Curriculum.

This defines targets in each area of the curriculum for children to achieve in terms of knowledge, understanding and action. The development of learning skills, independent thought, creativity and a love of learning are wider aims of the curriculum and are embedded in all that we do. The Cambridge international curriculum sets a global standard for education and is recognised by universities and employers worldwide. Our curriculum is flexible, challenging, and inspiring, culturally sensitive yet international in approach. Cambridge students develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. They also gain the essential skills they need for success at university and in their future careers.

All pupils are expected to work hard to achieve their academic potential. Ultimately, academic success in Checkpoint, IGCSEs, A Levels and University admissions is an aim of the curriculum and an aspiration of students, staff and parents. We believe that such success is best achieved through a broad curriculum with a wide variety of opportunities for pupils to develop and practise their own academic interests.

All our Keystage 3 pupils study for the Cambridge International Checkpoint, our Keystage 4 pupils study for the Cambridge International IGCSE while our Kaystage 5 pupils for the Cambridge International A-Levels.

Our Learning Ethos

Our Learning Ethos underpins learning and teaching throughout the school. The aim of our Learning Ethos is to nurture and support our pupils to grow into:

Hard Working and Secure Individuals


  • Train and prepare through repetition of the same processes.


  • Choose right from wrong.
  • Be honest about mistakes.
  • Come ready and prepared for school.

Persevere and be Resilient

  • Persist in effort, face obstacles but never give up.
  • Work diligently and systematically.
  • Not be satisfied until high quality, precision and the desired outcome are achieved.
  • Change what I need to.
  • Not be put off by mistakes.

Agile and Resourceful Learners


  • Work hard because it matters.
  • Plan independently.
  • Think and do things for myself.

Curious and Enquiring

  • Ask questions about what I have learnt.
  • Explore new ideas in my learning.
  • Question what I see, hear and read.


  • Think and talk about what I have learnt.
  • Improve what I have learnt.
  • Use what I have learnt to make choices.

Creative and Enterprising

  • Be willing to innovate and invent multiple solutions.
  • Adapt my approach according to need.
  • Show originality in work.
  • Use initiative to find solutions.

Risk Takers

  • Think, then have a go.
  • Find new ways to solve a problem.
  • Do things differently to do them better.

Open Minded

  • Change my ideas because of what I’ve seen, heard or read.
  • Think about things from another’s point of view.
  • Accept others have different ideas.

Empathetic and Respectful Contributors


  • Talk about ideas clearly.
  • Enjoy new challenges.
  • Be confident in saying and doing.


    • Find out what other people think.
    • Find answers with other people.
    • Include other people.


  • Help others.
  • Make a difference at BSM and in the community.
  • Take care of the world around me.