British International School, Gambia

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Teaching Future Leaders

BISG has teamed up with TFL Education to provide the opportunity for everyone at British International School Gambia (students, support staff, teaching staff, senior leadership staff and Board of Directors) to have access to leadership development programmes to support their academic, professional, and social success.

All our students will study the Future Leaders Programme by the Royal Charted Management Institute in the U.K through TFL Education. In addition, this partnership will provide the business community in The Gambia to access the Royal Chartered Management Institute’s prestigious Chartered Manager Status.

All Key Stage 3 students (aged 11 – 14 years) will follow TFL Education’s ‘Learning to Lead’ programme – Year 7 (Born to Lead), Year 8 (Taking the Lead), Year 9 (Being a Good Leader). Learning to Lead consists of three independent modules (Born to Lead, Taking the Lead, Being a Good Leader), each designed and specifically written to support the teaching of character through leadership. The programme focuses on teaching the knowledge, language, values and behaviours that underpin effective leadership and provides a framework that complements the delivery of PSHCE and SMSC education.

All Key Stage 4 students will follow TFL Education’s ‘Key Skills for Success’ programme – Personal Skills Profile, Communication and Teamwork.

Key Skills for Success consists of three independent modules, each designed and specifically written to support the teaching of character through leadership.

The programme consists of 5 - 6 hours of ‘teaching and learning’ experiences per module and is designed to promote the development of the character qualities and leadership skills identified as essential for pupils to make the transition to further education and/or employment.

All Key Stage 5 students (16 + years) will follow TFL Education’s Level 3 Award in Principles of Management and Leadership programme.

The Award in Principles of Management and Leadership qualification is an Ofqual regulated professional qualification (Qualification Number 603/2019/9)

The programme consists of 17 Guided Learning Hours of ‘teaching and learning’ experiences followed by independent research and is designed to promote the development of personal management and leadership skills identified as essential to support academic, professional and social success



Course Content

Theme: Developing Capabilities, Delivering Results, Driving Best Practice

Topic: Interpersonal excellence - managing people and developing relationships

Unit title: Managing a team to achieve results

Unit number: CMI 302


This unit is about supporting students in understanding the nature of teams in the workplace, and how these can be best managed to achieve results.

Learning Outcomes

The learner will:

  • Understand the role and purpose of teams.
  • Be able to recognise the characteristics of a high performing team.
  • Know how to lead, communicate with and motivate a high performing team.
  • Know how to respond to challenges when managing a team proactively.
  • Know how to manage the performance of a team